Home Events - Natural Fibre Connect Breakout Session Working Group Roundtable for European Animal Fibres Initiatives

Roundtable for European Animal Fibres Initiatives

Roundtable for European Animal Fibres Initiatives
There are many wonderful projects and initiatives across Europe with the goal of locally grown wool and other animal fibres no longer going to waste. There are many challenges to shearing, sorting, collecting and processing of these fibres; but fortunately, there are also many ideas and solutions as well. Up to date, most initiatives have worked in isolation, but not anymore. This round table will bring all European actors together to exchange knowledge, learnings, and work on joint solutions.

If you are currently working on a local wool or other animal fibre project based in Europe or planning to start one, then this roundtable is for you to gain valuable insights and visibility.

This session will be moderated by Simone Sommer, Camille Herry and Nigel Thompson.

The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule

29 September 2023

09:00 - 10:00
PartI: The European animal fibre landscape: challenges and opportunities
Impulse keynotes from five different speakers.
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
Part II: Filling the gaps: how to get the wool from the farm to the market.
Panel discussion with representatives of networks, associations and initiatives.
11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:00


29 Sep 2023


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 29 Sep 2023
  • Time: 3:00 am - 6:00 am


Online & In-person


Citta Studi
Citta Studi
Corso Giuseppe Pella, 2b, Corso Giuseppe Pella, 10, 13900 Biella BI, Italy

Città Studi Biella is a versatile building complex of 110 000 square meters and is one of the most important cultural centers in Italy. Thanks to the architectural design and functionality influenced by Gae Aulenti, the internationally renowned architect who designed the complex in the foothills of Biella, Città Studi has long been considered a landmark for conventions as well as education and research. In fact, Città Studi’s “gem” is the conference center and all of the events organized.


  • Pascal Gautrand
    Pascal Gautrand
    Le Collectif Tricolor | Founder at Made in Town and Initiator of the Tricolor Collective

    Pascal Gautrand, graduate in fashion design and textile design, stands out for his passion for the textile-clothing industry. With a post-diploma from the French Fashion Institute in hand, he now works as a consultant and teacher in this dynamic field. His experience as the first resident of the “fashion design” section at the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici in 2008 opened up new perspectives for research on local production. This is how he founded Made in Town, a platform dedicated to promoting know-how, which supports private and institutional players in the textile sector.
    In 2018, Pascal Gautrand played a key role in initiating the Tricolor Collective, of which he holds the position of General Delegate. The Tricolor Collective is dedicated to promoting and supporting the restructuring of the French wool sectors. By highlighting traditional know-how, encouraging innovation and promoting collaboration between players in the sector, the Collectif Tricolor contributes to renewing and sustaining the French wool sector.

    Visit website collectiftricolor.org

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