
  • 2 Days

    Natural Fiber Connect 2024 – English

    Welcome to the Natural Fibre Connect 2024 recordings! If you’ve missed any live presentations or wish to revisit the remarkable sessions from the conference, you can now access the recordings by clicking on the days below to go through to their respective schedules. From there, you can either watch the conference in time order or skip to a specific session. After you've watched a session, you can click on the "Mark Complete" button so you can easily see which videos you have already watched and which ones you haven't. Please note, the views expressed by conference speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the stance of the conference organisers, including the NFC. Our goal is to foster open dialogue by bringing together diverse viewpoints and encouraging respectful exchange of ideas that contribute to intellectual growth and progress. We hope that these conference recordings can continue to provide a platform for engaging discussions.
  • 2 Days

    Natural Fibre Connect 2023 – English

    Welcome to the Natural Fibre Connect 2023 recordings! If you’ve missed any live presentations or wish to revisit the remarkable sessions from the conference, you can now access the recordings by clicking on the days below to go through to their respective schedules. From there, you can either watch the conference in time order or skip to a specific session. After you've watched a session, you can click on the "Mark Complete" button so you can easily see which videos you have already watched and which ones you haven't. Please note, the views expressed by conference speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the stance of the conference organisers, including the NFC. Our goal is to foster open dialogue by bringing together diverse viewpoints and encouraging respectful exchange of ideas that contribute to intellectual growth and progress. We hope that these conference recordings can continue to provide a platform for engaging discussions.
  • 2 Days

    Natural Fibre Connect 2023 – Spanish

    ¡Bienvenidos a las grabaciones de Natural Fiber Connect 2023! Si se perdió alguna presentación en vivo o desea volver a visitar las sesiones destacadas de la conferencia, ahora puede acceder a las grabaciones haciendo clic en los días a continuación para ver sus respectivos horarios. Desde allí, puede ver la conferencia en orden o pasar a una sesión específica. Después de haber visto una sesión, puede hacer clic en el botón "Marcar como completada" para poder ver fácilmente qué videos ya ha visto y cuáles no. Tenga en cuenta que las opiniones expresadas por los oradores de la conferencia son propias y no reflejan necesariamente la postura de los organizadores de la conferencia, incluida la NFC. Nuestro objetivo es fomentar el diálogo abierto reuniendo diversos puntos de vista y fomentando el intercambio respetuoso de ideas que contribuyan al crecimiento y progreso intelectual. Esperamos que estas grabaciones de puedan seguir proporcionando una plataforma para debates interesantes.
  • 1 Day

    Wool Connect Broker Edition 2021

    Recordings from the 17 June 2021 Wool Broker Edition 2021.