Rugby Station’s Story

Australian Authentico Grower Portrait
Rugby Station is a 3000 ha grazing property located 300 km south-west of Sydney, NSW owned and operated by the Kelly Family, who have been running sheep and cattle on this land for six generations. The genetics of their merino flock focuses on plain bodied, high-growth rate, and high fertility ewes. These ewes on average cut 6.5 kg of wool, with a weaning percentage of 125%. Over the generations the Kelly Family has developed a policy of the highest animal welfare and therefore mulesing has never occurred on Rugby Station.
For the past 70 years, they have been actively increasing fertility in their soils to create 100% ground cover, resulting in halting natural degradation, whilst capturing carbon and increasing biodiversity. As custodians of the land, the members of the family see the effects of climate change every day. They believe, by enhancing the capacity of biodiversity in their soils, flora, and fauna will help their land to withstand the effects of climate change.
For 35 years the Kelly Family has been using perennial pastures, tree lanes, and nature corridors to ensure protection for our native ecosystems on Rugby Station.