Winners of the Textile Exchange Conference tickets announced

During Wool Connect 2021, participants of the event could win one of two tickets to the Textile Exchange Conference taking place on 15-19 November 2019 in Dublin.
Learn more about the conference here:
To take part in the raffle, Wool Connect members had to leave a comment in the new RWS Group Forum.
In total 7 members participated and two of them were the lucky winners. You can watch the drawing of the winning tickets in the video below. The two winners have been already informed and instructed how to claim their ticket.
Do join our RWS Group as well as other Groups and Forums on Wool Connect, not to win tickets, but to stay part of the conversation around important topics of the industry.
Within the RWS Group, representatives from Textile Exchange will answer any questions posed about the Responsible Wool Standard within the group.